Editor’s Note: This post was originally posted on January 11, 2018 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

As you close out one calendar year and look to the next, consider how an update to your security plan could benefit your business.

For a safe and successful year, it may be time to study your business’ current security assets and determine where an upgrade is appropriate. Read on to learn when to upgrade and get a few tips to get started.

When Is It Time to Upgrade?

Think back on the past year of business. In addition to the impact from COVID-19, there may have been other milestones or events that could indicate a security upgrade is needed. While it’s always a good idea to contact your trusted security vendor and get their expert opinion, here are some questions to consider on your own or with your team:

  • Has your business changed this year? Have you hired more employees or increased production?
  • Did you open a new building or location?
  • Have you purchased any new equipment, computers or other technology devices?
  • When was the last time you revisited your network security strongholds?
  • Has it been a few years since you installed your security equipment? Has it been more than a few months since your equipment last received routine maintenance?
  • How has COVID-19 impacted your operations under the ‘new normal’?

Chances are, it’s probably time to revisit your security plan. Read on for some ways you can upgrade for the new year.

Security Upgrades to Consider

It may seem overwhelming to prepare your business’ security for the new year, but we have a few tips to get you started:

  • Utilize your security system for better health and safety. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to rethink their layouts and policies for keeping employees and customers safe. If you haven’t already, consider the ways your security system can help you create a more hygienic environment.
  • Install an access control system. Does your business grant only the appropriate personnel access to certain areas? If not, you’re ignoring a key security upgrade that can grant peace of mind and keep your business safe. Touchless access solutions are perfect as your business runs under the ‘new normal.’
  • Conduct a security audit. Engage your security vendor in an audit of your security tactics, and use their recommendations to improve security in the coming year.
  • Take a second look at your video cameras. Are they in the best positions for preventing crime inside and outside your business? If not, this is an easy fix to drastically improve the safety of your business and your employees.
  • Prevent security breaches due to a natural disaster. The weather may not be top-of-mind when it comes to security, but there are plenty of instances when a natural disaster can impact safety. For example, what if cold weather causes a burst pipe in your building and damages merchandise and important files? Incorporate environmental hazard monitoring to avoid such situations.

These are just a few ways to improve your business’ security plan this year. As you assess and upgrade based on your needs, remember to revisit this list often to keep your security technology updated year-round. For input from a qualified security expert, contact us today.