The lines between physical and cybersecurity are increasingly congruent. Businesses should no longer be solely concerned with protecting their physical premises. They must also defend the digital networks that control these devices.

Most modern security systems connect to the Internet, exposing them to potential cyber threats. A comprehensive strategy should address physical and cyber risks for businesses to better protect their assets, information, and employees.

Physical Security Devices in a Digital World

Physical security measures once operated independently from IT infrastructure. However, the rise of smart technology has connected these devices to the same networks businesses use for data, communication, and operations. Internet integration has introduced new vulnerabilities as these devices are now potential entry points for cybercriminals.

For example, a network-connected security camera could be hacked, giving unauthorized individuals access to live feeds or recorded footage. Smart locks could be disabled remotely. Even alarm systems may be susceptible to cyberattacks that bypass their functionality.

With modern security solutions, there is a new threat landscape that requires businesses to not only protect their physical assets but also safeguard the networks they rely on.

Strengthening Physical Security and Protecting Your Network

Physical security devices connected to unprotected networks introduces significant risks. To mitigate these risks, businesses should implement a few key cybersecurity measures across their physical security infrastructure.

  1. Encryption: Encrypting the data transmitted between security devices and central monitoring hubs ensures, even if intercepted, the data cannot be easily accessed or understood. Encryptions is particularly important for surveillance systems that collect sensitive footage or access control systems that transmit personal identification data.
  2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adding an extra layer of protection through two-factor authentication prevents unauthorized access to physical security systems. For example, even if a hacker manages to guess or obtain a password to a security system, they still need a second form of authentication (such as a code sent to a mobile device) to gain entry.
  3. Regular Software Updates: Keeping all security systems up to date is vital for protecting against evolving cyber threats. Businesses should ensure the firmware on their cameras, locks, alarms, and all other connected devices is updated regularly to patch vulnerabilities.

Enhancing Incident Response with Integrated Systems

Integrated security systems allow for more seamless incident response, improving the ability to track, contain, and neutralize both physical and cyber threats. When a potential breach is detected, whether physical or digital, the integrated system can immediately alert the appropriate teams, triggering predefined protocols. For example:

  • Security cameras can help identify unauthorized access attempts to physical or digital systems.
  • Access control systems can be locked down remotely if an intrusion is detected.
  • Cybersecurity systems can block any network access if suspicious activity is found on connected devices, protecting both digital and physical assets.

Integrating physical and cybersecurity systems offers businesses a holistic approach to monitoring and incident response. When these systems work together, they provide real-time intelligence on both physical and digital threats, allowing for a quicker and more coordinated response.

A Unified Security Strategy for Modern Threats

As the boundaries between physical and cybersecurity continue to overlap, businesses must adopt a unified approach to their security. Companies can protect their assets from a broad range of threats ensuring both their digital networks and physical infrastructure remain secure.

At Vector Security, we specialize in both physical and cybersecurity solutions, helping keep your business ahead of evolving threats. Our team can implement a tailored, comprehensive security strategy to addresses both physical and digital vulnerabilities, ensuring optimal protection at every level.

Contact us today to learn how our integrated security systems can help secure your business from all angles.